The future of business is Blockchain

Solving real world problems with future focussed solutions


We understand the infinite opportunity for businesses and individuals that blockchain offers.


Our Development team are creating solutions to real world issues through the blockchain.


Our team of SME's are highly experienced in every aspect of the industry.


CoinSafe Wallet

Our cutting edge CoinSafe Wallet empowers users to Buy, Sell, Store and Pay the way they want to. The CoinSafe Wallet is the most flexible and powerful, independent hot wallet available and it’s a FREE. 

Available on Android, iOS and Browser. 


coinsafe crypto wallet is better wallet than trust wallet better than metamask alternative

Shaping the Future

After nearly a decade in crypto we are incredibly excited by the way general adoption is growing. Businesses and governments are finally begining to see how revolutionary Blockchain.
Ben Holmes
Web3 is a revolutionary new opportunity for brands to connect with customers and is transforming the B2B /B2C space. This year huge brands entered the NFT, Meta and cypto space
Rob Watkins
What is happening in all industries right now is the revolutionary impact of crypto. From supply chain fidelity to military data management, crypto is creating a higher operational standards
Alastair Weatherstone
Co Founder

Have a project in mind? Let’s get to work.